This autumn we will brew our own beer, Castelar 1873, with the help of Chief Master Brewer Matt Redman and the valuable support of Apollinaire Free Press & Community Library. No financial transactions involved. You all are welcome to try it for free.
The very plant's patio evolution. April, May, June 2019, etc. This is the second year we are growing hops. Last year, local brewers collected some of the cones in the autumn. We expect their visit too this year since there will be plenty to collect. The first seeds were planted in the spring of 2018.
The beer will be named after Emilio Castelar y Ripoll (1832-1899), Spanish author, statesman and a champion of Spanish republicanism. Life of Lord Byron: And Other Sketches (1875; courtesy of the University of Michigan )
The beer will be named after Emilio Castelar y Ripoll (1832-1899), Spanish author, statesman and a champion of Spanish republicanism. Life of Lord Byron: And Other Sketches (1875; courtesy of the University of Michigan )